Day 6 (4/26/22): A good day to climb

Begin:                 Congress, AZ

End:                    Prescott, AZ

 Miles:                 38 miles                          

Elevation Gain:  3,896 feet

Today was a big climbing day, but also featured some marvelous scenery.  Overall, a very enjoyable ride all along AZ State Route 89.  Unlike yesterday, this really was what I had in mind when I said I wanted to see the country by bike.

I began with a steep 1,800-foot, 8-mile climb out of the brushy, and not too impressive AZ desert.  I felt real good making my way up the hill.  Took a 5-minute break every 500 feet.  They say your body acclimates to the daily challenge over the first 2 weeks.  Maybe, I’m starting to see that.

The climb offered a very big reward in that it landed me in a beautiful mountain valley surrounded by mountains on either side.  There’s a picture in the gallery, but it doesn’t do the view justice.  The big, big bonus was the riding through this part of the day was all downhill, so it turned out to be a marvelous coast. 

I got about 800 feet into the second climb and saw some road construction signs in the distance.  Before I could investigate, Tish showed up (she had driven ahead) and said I would not be riding through the construction zone.  I won the “I’ll be incredibly safe” argument when we were originally planning this little jaunt, but if she has a concern along the way, she’s the boss.  I got in the van.  I lost 4 miles and the remaining 1,200 feet of the second ascent.  I know this will sound weird, but I was feeling so good climbing today, I was a little bummed I wouldn’t be able to do the whole route.  Oh well.

There was another 1,000-foot climb where the vegetation continued to get greener and greener and then another fantastic 6-mile descent into Prescott, AZ which took me through a Ponderosa Pine forest.  The desert is behind us for now.

We’re staying the night in Prescott which is great little western town that’s been kept very well.  Lots of history and lots of good eating and drinking.  Unfortunately, I’m having some difficulty keeping hydrated, so I’m avoiding the later. 

Observations (I already hit the highlights above)

  • There’s nothing like a good coast.

  • Nothing hurts when you’re coasting.

  • We didn’t pack nearly enough sunscreen.

  • I’m getting good at applying chapstick with one hand.  We didn’t pack enough chapstick either.

  • The dogs in CA and AZ are behind fences.  I’m told this is not as common in Kentucky and parts of Virginia.  We have packed plenty of pepper spray.

 What am I grateful for today?

  • I’m not sure why, but I thought a lot about my brothers and sister today.  I feel quite fortunate to have grown up with them and have always admired how their lives have played out.  My older brother, Don, was a role model for me growing up.  He always received very high grades and was a leader in many of his extracurricular activities.  We were a bit competitive, but it was always a very positive competition—never nasty.  We also broke our fair share of couches in our day as they were used as end zones for our many indoor football games.  As many of you know, he served in the Air Force attaining the rank of Colonel for almost a quarter of a century and now works in the defense industry—again protecting our country.  A very selfless career.  When I think of growing up with my younger brother Joel, I just remember a lot of fun activity.  We were constantly playing kickball, touch football, or baseball.  I wonder how many nerf footballs we went through.  Joel has been a high school teacher for 20+ years.  I’ve sat in on some of his classes.  It’s a challenging job, and he’s quite good at it.  I’ve always admired how my sister was essentially thrown into a family of often-times rambunctious brothers when she was 2 and still managed keep her sanity.  Having adopted 2 kids of our own, I know it’s treated in a much more open and, frankly, positive way now than in the 1970s.  She’s made her way through the world and now supports her son, Brian, and spends a lot of time helping my Mom.  When I think of the paths each of my siblings have taken, the one word that immediately comes to mind is “noble”.  I admire that, and it makes me very happy.


We will be at the Grand Canyon camping tomorrow evening.  Not sure we’ll have coverage.  Also, Thursday is an off day for riding, so I may not be posting until Friday.



Day 7 (4/27/22): Bye Bye Southern Tier. Hello Route 66 Tier.


Day 5 (4/25/22): Nothing to See Here