Finish Plan
No pedaling today. A nice relaxing day binging Stranger Things and watching the rain.
A bit of a change of plans for the finish based on a very nice surprise.
My brother Don decided to fly in from CA for the completion of the trek but can’t get here until Friday. Additionally, my brother Joel is out of town until Friday. As a result, I’ve decided to wait until Saturday to finish the ride. I’m going to ride most of the way to Manasquan tomorrow (Tuesday) but hold off on the last mile or so until more of my family can be with us to celebrate. We’re planning on a very early finish on Saturday to hopefully help family from Central NJ avoid as much Parkway traffic as possible on a July 4th weekend. The current plan is to get to the beach at 8 a.m. on Saturday the 2nd. We’re still figuring out what we’re going to do afterwards. More details as they become available.